There’s absolutely no reason that your desire for a roaring fire this winter should be stopped short by the size of your living room. You might think that your space is a little too compact to make room for a fireplace, but that’s very rarely true – modern fireplaces come in all shapes and sizes, and it’s more than possible that you’ll be able to find an option which doesn’t just fit your space but truly enhances it.
Still don’t believe us? Well in that case, perhaps it’s time to share a couple of our top suggestions for making it work… Choose a ‘Hole in the Wall’ Fireplace
‘Hole in the Wall’ fireplaces work pretty much exactly as the name suggests; they are set back into the wall, meaning that they don’t take up any of that precious floor space. Their unusual design means that they can become a great feature of your room, while actually setting something into the wall has the effect of making your space seem bigger – meaning that far from being inappropriate for a small living room, a fireplace could actually make it feel bigger. Make the Fireplace the Centrepiece Typically, modern families choose to set the TV as the centre of the room, with the rest of your furniture either pointing towards it or fit around it. In a smaller environment, this may mean that there isn’t really space for a second focal point. However, there’s no reason that you can’t choose to move the focus away from the television, giving the fireplace pride of place instead and transforming the room into a much more social area. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the TV has to go altogether – you can move it into another room, hide it away behind cabinet doors or simply place it in a less central location. That way, you can ensure that you are benefiting from both the warm charm of the fire and the luxurious conveniences of modern life. These are just two of the many different ways in which you might be able to find space for a roaring fire in a smaller living room, but if you call us and speak to one of our trained associates they will be able to discuss your exact needs and recommend the perfect choice. Contact us today, online or at 0207 731 5025, for all the details or to arrange your fireplace installation in London.