What are the Benefits of Fireplace Accessories? (Part 1)

The fireplace is a central aspect of any home, as it offers warmth and comfort during the winter months and a place to commune during the summer. So, getting the right accessories to accentuate this sacred part of your home is extremely important. Such items can add to both the aesthetic and functionality of your room overall, so it is important to consider them carefully.

So, what are the benefits for accessorising your fireplace and how can you go about doing so?



The balance in your room falls entirely down to the style that you choose, in terms of your mantel and fire the accessories are the be all and end all of the styles of the area. Balance in such an integral area of your living space should be a priority, as the right colour scheme and number of accessories can create a balance which really accentuates the room. Having a pleasant, complementary, colour scheme also adds to this.

Symmetry can also help the overall feel of the space. A symmetrical mantel is one that has the same accessories on both sides, so if you placed a mirror in the middle you would see the same fireplace on both sides. They don’t necessarily have to be the same colour or even the same object, however, as if they hold the same visual weight they can be just as effective. This means that in terms of size and proportion they match perfectly. For example, you could have two flower vases on either side which though are not identical do hold the same visual weight and so create a symmetrical appearance.


Of course, safety accessories are an important aspect of your fire as if you live in a home with pets or children keeping them away from the heat is important. You shouldn’t have to go without warmth, nor should the risk of injury be present. Luckily, a fire guard is the perfect solution to this issue as it creates an effective fire between the fire and anyone who might potentially be hurt.

If you are more conscientious about the look of your fireplace with a guard in place, you can also invest in a fire screen instead. Much less intrusive visually, it provides the same service as the guard.


No matter what you decide, Real Flame provides both solutions and work together with you to help you make the right choice for your home. Don’t hesitate to contact us today on +44(0)20 7731 5025 and talk to a member of our team if you wish to learn more about our fireplaces in London.

Get in Touch with Real Flame for more Advice and Information
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